12. april 2020

Happy Easter Sunday!

From the entire staff of BEST OF Palma, we send all our followers, readers, partners, profile customers and friends of the house you our very BEST wishes for a happy Easter.

We normally spend this time of year very closely together; however, this year is different. We're not able to celebrate our Easter traditions with our families as we've always done in the past. This particular Easter Sunday is spent each in our own homes. 

However, although it's a very different Easter, we still have a lot to be thankful for. We very much hope that you continue to take care of yourselves and each other. That you hold on tight and stand together - although apart and at  a distance. And we very much hope that we'll succeed in having Mallorca open up gradually after Easter and sometime during Summer, so that we'll meet again soon in the businesses and shops around our beloved Palma. 

From our house directly to yours: Take care and stay safe until we meet again. 

Happy Easter!

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